4 Best ways to respond to silent treatment

4 Best ways to respond to silent treatment 1

Best ways to respond to silent treatment is an eye catchy post which gives a detailed solution on ways to handle being at the receiving end.

Silent treatment is a form of emotional abuse whereby an individual deliberately ignores the other with the intention of making him/her feel bad or as a way of getting back to them.

Remember we earlier discussed about communication. And how it enhances a relationship. Now imagine a scenario where there is no communication between couples. They live as house mates, all they do is go about their various activity and retire to bed at night. And the routine continues. Feels absurd right? Such relationship is bound to fail in no distant time.

The worst scenario is being at the receiving end. You want to communicate, you want your partner’s attention, but unfortunately, you kept being ignored. The feelings is similar to being inflicted with pains yet with no physical injury or bruises. But the question is? How do you stop this silent but severe treatment being inflicted on you. .

Best ways to respond to silent treatment.

1. Find out the reason

4 Best ways to respond to silent treatment 2

Finding out the reason behind every action exhibited by your partner is one of the best ways to respond to silent treatment. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. Often times, Silent treatment does not just surface from no where.

Take your mind back and reflect on how your relationship has been with your partner or spouse some few days or weeks back. Was there any misunderstanding? was there any unresolved issues? This could be reason for his/her action towards you. You both need to revist the issue and settle your difference amicably.

4 Best ways to respond to silent treatment 3
Silent treatment

2.Put your Ego aside

Ego is one of the major killer of relationship. Everybody wants to have this feelings of

Supremacy, hence finding it so difficult to apologize. Most men would raher exhibit silent treatment on their woman than nag her, yell at her or hit at her when they are provoked.

Especially when the fault is Her’s and she refuses to admit. Yet the silent treatment hurts more than the other aforementioned abuse. At least one out of 10 women had confirmed this. Saying they rather prefer being nagged at or yelled at than ignored. Because it bruises their ego. Wouldn’t it be better to use the word “am sorry”,than to pretend you are OK, when you aren’t. Apology solves it all, let go of your Ego and have their attention. This is one of the proven way to respond to silent treatment.

3.give them space

We are looking at a scenario where you are sure you’ve done nothing wrong to deserve such treatment from your spouse or partner. Having spoken to them about it and yet nothing changed after all. Then give them space. Stop trying to get their attention. Just give them space so they can handle the issues they might be battling with. If at all there is any.

The best way to treat people who deliberately ignore you is to care less of their attitude towards you. Ignore them as well. The more you ignore them and act like you don’t care, the more curious they are to know what prompted to the sudden change. that’s http:// ttp://Reverse psychology m sure that very soon, when they realize you are no longer affected by their actions. they will seek for your attention. This is one of the best ways to respond to silent treatment

4.move on

In a case of a relationship where you’ve done everything humanly possible to ensure you renew your communication but all effort proved abortive, it could mean they are loosing interest but couldn’t brace up to break the ice. You’ve got no other option than to respect their privacy and move on too. Follow suit till they are ready to communicate with you again to avoid further heart break break.

Also read https://loveonet.com/2019/05/09/how-to-handle-mixed-signal-from-your-crush/


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