8 ways to make your partner realize your worth.

Realize your worth
Realize your worth

Your partner can only realize your worth, when you stop doing those things that made you loose your worth in the first place.

Being in love could be the most exciting phase in an individual’s life, However, it can equally be a daunting experience, when you’re being taken for granted.

It is Natural to fall helplessly in love, the hormones that triggers love feelings induces a kind of excitement that makes you obsessed with the one you’re in love with.

This obsession is the reason why so many think less about themselves in a relationship, but rather sees their partner as a major priority. If the obsession ain’t controlled, it will get a point, where they have to struggle to regain their worth.

This could be challenging, especially when you’re head over heels in love with someone. You can’t help it, but express your feelings, you’ve been severally warned to reserve some part of your heart to yourself to avoid it being shattered. However, you can’t still help it, your love is genuine and that’s why you want to express it all. But there’s a problem. The energy is not mutual, your presence and effort is not valued. It seems like the more your express it, the more your value diminishes. It finally got to a stage where you’ve lost every respect or regard they have for you.

At that point, your priority is no longer to have your feelings reciprocate. But to make them realize your worth. At least if they can see your worth again, maybe, tables will turn around for your good.

So how can you make a partner realize your worth?

15 ways to make a partner realize your worth.

Become less available and scarce

I know you might be wondering why someone who claims to love you will get tired of your presence and wish for space. Now let’s use this an illustration.

When you purchase a new item, you’re so much obsessed with it right? If it’s a cloth item, there’s an intense urge to wear it every now and then, you may decide it to save it up for special occasions.

Do you notice that whenever an occasion sprung up, and you remember that you will be putting on the cloth, you will feel a great deal of excitement.

However, Reverse seems to be the case, if you often wear it. There will one a time when it will begin to wear off, and then the value will diminish. The same scenario is applicable to relationship.

Having the same routine of being with your partner every now and then will make them become use to it. And you know what follows thus? Value depreciation.

People love new adventures, other than routine, that explains the reason why wearing a cloth too often will reduce it’s value. If you notice that your partner is beginning to make you feel disrespected. Reduce the rate at which you visit them, or communicate with them.

Realize your worth
Realize your worth

Avoid a stagnant life.

To make your partner realize your worth, get an upgrade for your life, get new hobbies, get new skills, learn new crafts. Get busy with your life generally.

Imagine they’re busy in the office attending to a client, while you bug their phone with calls and tons of text messages,

The outcome is that they will get furious and begin to decline your calls. Declining your calls indicates that their value for you is diminishing. It literally means you’re distracting them, and that will definitely pull them farther away. you can avoid all these by getting busy with work, skill or a business, with that you won’t need to be ringing them every now and then or showing up at their place unannounced.

Build an active Network –

To make a partner realize your worth, it is necessary you build a network of people with prestige .

The kind of company we keep a times determines how people rate us. If you keep friends who have nothing to offer, they might influence your lifestyle too, in that way, the value they have for your partner will begin to diminish.

Build your social life

You maybe an introvert, but there’s every need to improve on your social life. Your social life will keep you much busy from always contacting your partner and disrupting their activities.

You wonder why your partner seems to be getting tired of your frequent check ups and company?

Adventures are the spice of life. Maintaining one routine all the time can stir up boredom. If you’ve always been around them and you notice that they are beginning to avoid your presence, the best thing you can do to make them realize your worth is to hang out with other friends and renew your social life.

Get a job, don’t depend on them for upkeep.

Depending on someone for upkeep is the easiest way to stir up disrespect. It might sound as though they really care about you, and wouldn’t mind doing anything for you.

However, no matter how much they care about you, don’t forget that they are human too. We all crave for support. We all crave to have someone who is independent and not someone you have to baby sit all the time.

Being independent is a healthy trait. Endeavor to have a name to yourself. It gives honor and prestige.

Don’t always say yes to their request.

They are too busy to make out time for you. Each time you call, they decline your call with a promise to ring back later which never happens.

Every request to visit is always accompanied with excuses, but once they are bored, they will seek for your attention, expecting you to leave whatever you’re doing to acknowledge it.

If they find out that you always oblige to their call, they will begin to loose respect for you, not because you’re doing anything wrong, but because you massage their EGO so much, when they were expecting you to return the same energy you give them.

To them, it feels like you have no worth, it feels like you don’t have much to do with your time .

Learn to say no to their request, let them work hard to get your attention. Even if you have much time at your disposal, don’t give them that impression.

When you’re not busy, pretend to be. That’s the best way to tame their narcissistic behavior. That will also make them realize your worth.

Don’t beg for attention or love.

It is often said that the heart knows where it belongs. This is one of the reason Why you must stop begging for attention in a Relationship .

When you plead to be loved, you’re indirectly telling them that you don’t deserve to be loved. Things you deserve, are those things that you don’t need to struggle for. You deserve them because you merited them. And one of such thing is Love.

Don’t dwell so much on your weak point.

When you emphasize so much about your weak point, you’re making people see less of you and they will certainly judge you with that, not withstanding your strength and whatever potentials you have.

Weak point is a common trait in human life, don’t take it as a personal challenge, be confident about yourself at all times, only that will make other recognize your worth.

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