Overcoming tough times in relationship

What are tough times in relationship?

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They are times when it seems the relationship is going down the drain. The excitement seems to have gone, conflicts, misunderstanding, constant fights and abuse becomes the order of the day.

Keeping secrets and exhibiting silent treatment on each other becomes a habitual attitudes. No more hang outs, no more romantic dates. No more intimacy, sex life suddenly becomes boring. (for married couples).

In life generally, tough times are inevitable. It could strike any time or day irrespective of your measures to resist them. Such is not an exception in relationship.

Atimes, tough times in relationship occur not because both parties are hating on each other or keeping grudges. But because they may have other issues bothering them thus having it interfer in their relationship lives.

Having known this, let’s look out some factors which causes tough times in a relationship and how to overcome them.

Factors which may contribute to tough times in relationships.

1.Emotional instability

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There are variations to how each person react to their emotional state.it is not abnormal to develop mood swings when passing through difficult times or become emottionally down . It happens to most of us and this attitude atimes May affect our relationship with others including our partners/spouse.

An emotionally down individual may not be in the right frame of mind to think about relationship. Love will be the last thing in his/her mind thus reducing the spark in that relationship.

I’ve often heard a lot of people complain about their partner’s sudden change. how they suddenly stopped given them attention,but rather became more distant and cold.

On several occassions, They keep pondering and asking questions to ascertain where they might have erred which prompted to such attitudes but all to no avail. This is one of the reason contributing to that.

2.lack of finance.

A relationship which once had it foundation built on Material gains and benefits,may suddenly turn soar.when a partner who usually spends more to spice the union becomes bankrupt. for instance, most men usually complain that their girlfriends/wife suddenly changed and became a nag. as soon as the monetary aspect is gone.

All effort to please them seems futile as they sees fault in everything they do. No more gift, no more summer relaxations, no more romantic dinners.

Thus reducing the spark in the relationship and all effort to make it work may prove abortive, As the affected partner looses interest. And begins to date someone who is financial capable to meet her needs again. Such is true for materialistic women .

3. Conflicts.

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This is one of the major factors that contributes to tough times in relationship. as couples, it is not abnormal to argue or fight Every now and then.

But it becomes abnormal when it happens regularly. Especially when it lingers for long, without being resolved. such may increase the chances of having tough times in relationship. When there Is no peace and tranquility, disaster never ceases to exist. Such is usually true for partners who fights, argue and quarrel on regular basis.

Lack of understanding.

Understanding is very necesary for both couples to thrive well in a relationship.

Understanding helps people reach a mutual agreements and develop a common interest. Especially one which May be of benefit to both parties.

When there is no understanding, everyone does things at their own convinience. and for their own selfish motives. imagine a relationship where both couples lacks understanding, they live like strangers, does things without first seeking for the other’s opinion.such factor can Increase the chances of having tough times in relationship.

How to overcome tough times in relationship.


You can’t live peacefully with your family members or others in the same apartment when you are always silent to each other. the same goes to a relationship.

i understand that you are emotionally down, i understand that you may be dealing with tough periods in your life.

I won’t blame you for that because it is a normal aspect of life. but that should not be the reason to ignore your spouse or subject them to emotional trauma by becoming distance to them. couples who built their relationship on trust and sincere love would understand that this is the best time to confide in each other . and be strong for each other.

The basics of a relationship shouldn’t be only when things are rossy, but also in difficult times. married couples should always remember their marital vows. the promise to stick to each other in good times and bad times. with that, they won’t allow their personal problems interfer with the peace in their home.

Also when your partner’s attitude suddenly changes. don’t assume you’ve done something wrong or that they may have lost interest. Have a heart to heart talk with them and find out their reasons before drawing your conclusions.


This is usually for people at the receiving end. if your partner eventually opens up .

please try and give them a listening ear. don’t take it personal. remember dealing with issues in life is not always easy. this is the time they need your encouragement and support. they may ask for space, don’t argue over it or assume they’ve lost interest. Just be patient with them. While supporting them with words of encouragement once in a while. Don’t add to their pressure by becoming needy. trust me, it usually doesn’t go well and may lead to the end of the relationship. If he has been investing financially to make you happy, but all of a sudden doesn’t do that any more.

Don’t freak out, don’t develop hatred or threaten to quit. they may be going through financial difficulties. remember they were once good to you When things were rossy. courtesy demands you understand them at this period. If you love them and value your relationship.

Put Ego aside.

Ego destroys a relationship faster than you can ever imagine. the scenario becomes worse when both parties are egoistic. that’s why conflicts often lingers on and issues goes unresolved over a long period of time. no body wants to apologize in other not to feel less important or valued by the other. this mindset has destroyed a lot of marriage.

Is human to feel cheated when your partner does something wrong but doesn’t apologize. but understand that atimes saying “sorry doesn’t usually mean you are wrong but actually meant that you value your relationship more than your Ego. Both parties should understand that Ego is a destructive tools in their relationship. and if not eliminated, may put an end to what they might have worked so hard to build. You may also like to read./how-to-cope-in-a-long-distance-relationship/

External information you may also like:Wikihow.com

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