10 signs to identify your soul mates 1

10 signs to identify your soul mates

Identify your soul mate
Identify your soul mate

To identify your soul mates, you must first be intentional about what you want in a relationship.

Often times, we’re so overwhelmed by feelings and emotions during dating, that we hardly know what we really want.

Our spec usually centered on physical attribute, once we observe their charming looks, their curvy bodies, their glowing skin and sense of humor, we get attracted.

In other words, we’re more attracted by what we see in relationships.

A scenario of meeting someone today and falling in love with them even when you barely know them.

The feelings itself ain’t bad, However, when the thoughts of settling down surfaces, the expectations in a partner begins to change.

At that time, you’re no longer satisfied with just having butterflies in your tummy, but also being happy and fulfilled.

And this happiness depends largely on who you intend to settle down with.

The substantial qualities they possess which is capable of inducing a happy home becomes your utmost priority and not their physical attribute.

The decision to settle down is one of the toughest decision in life, you will have to contend with a lot of factors ranging from finding someone you’re compatible with, to being attracted to them which is also vital. Hence the reason why some people resort to prayers so God would reveal their true partners.

However, having to accept the reality that someone you’re crushing on and hoping on to spend the rest of your life with might not be your real partner can be challenging as well. In other words, it is a battle between the fantasy and the reality, which entails adopting a great deal of cautiousness, to avoid getting into the wrong marriage that might lead to future regrets.

long courtship is not a determining factor that someone is meant for you. So how can would you know you’ve finally found the one?

10 signs to identify your soul mate

1. presence of peace.

When you’ve found the one, there’s always an inexplicable peace when you’re around them. They may not be perfect, but a midst their imperfections and flaws, their presence in your life gives you comfort, contentment and stability .

You just love them the way they are, without expecting much from them. This is one significant sign that you’ve found the one.

2. There’s natural flow.

This is a very significant factor. You will know he or she is the one, when you don’t have to force communications or connections. Everything happens naturally. The chemistry is mutual, there’s mutual vibes, the energy is the same. You both can talk for hours without getting exhausted. You don’t have to beg for attention. You don’t have to complain of un returned calls and text messages, with them, there can never be a dull moment, as you both flow on the same level and pace, essential topics to discuss usually pops up on its own.


Identify your soul mate
Identify your soul mate

3. There’s similar interest and values.

Having similar interest and values is one significant way to identify your soul mate.

And the key aspect of this interest is the motive you have towards the relationship. If your interest is to spend the rest of your life with someone and they are not looking towards that direction, definitely, they are not the right one for you.

Your soul partner ought to be that person who is on the same emotional level with you, and one way to identify such person is the effort and investments he/she puts into the relationship. Love is not just a mere word, but often back up with actions. When the interest is mutual, the effort and energy will be visible.

Can two work together except they are in agreement? certainly no!! Your values and interest should align together. Imagine getting married to a man who believes that women’s role only ends up in home management. Or a man who believes that a man shouldn’t assist a woman in domestic chores regardless of the circumstances involved.

Imagine getting married to a woman who believes that men are the head in a family and should bare all responsibilities even when they are financially unstable.

Such depicts a difference in value and interest and wouldn’t constitute a happy home. Your soul mates should be someone who have the same perception as you about life and marriage, even though you are both from different backgrounds, but your values ought to be the same.

4. mutual respect.

Another vital way to identify your soul mate is the regards for each other’s life. Regardless of your age, social status, financial status and educational background, you respect each other.

You treat each other as best friend, and do assist each other when necessary, in other to ease your marital burden, not minding whose responsibility it is. There’s love when correcting one another, and not bitterness or fury.

5. Tolerance.

Tolerance is a major factor in determining your soul mate, when someone is meant for you, you will find yourself condoning each other’s flaws, overlooking some lapses and imperfections. When they notice your flaws, they won’t give up on you either , but rather encourage you to work on you no matter how long it takes.

6. you will become part of them.

One of the obvious signs to identify your soul mate is that they are no longer thinking about themselves alone, but including you too. In other words, it is no longer the “i” mentality, but the “us”. You won’t find that selfish attitude in them as they will desire to include you in every aspect of their lives, their thoughts, opinions and decision.

7. There’s respect of space and boundaries.

When someone is meant for you, they will try everything within their capacity not to ruin that trust and confidence you have in them. They will value your space as that help you function and be productive.

They won’t nag or stress you mentally in your days of busy schedules as long as you’ve kept them updated with the reason behind the decline in communication and negligence in your relationship. They won’t act too clingy too. Their respect for your request for space shows a great deal of understanding which is a vital factor in considering someone as a life partner.

8. There’s easy conflict resolution.

Inhabity to resolve conflict is one of the most common marital problems.

You will know you’ve found the one, when you both feel uncomfortable not speaking to each other after arguments or slight misunderstanding. You will feel a mutual urge to break the silence. They would rather talk it out than give you the silent treatment.

They will rather express their feelings than ghost you. To identify your soul mate, be keen to observe their mode of conflict resolution.

9. Communication creates bond and not intimacy.

When you find out that you’re begining to bond emotionally with someone just by talking, sharing your ideas and opinions with each other, alone without being intimate, it is a great sign that you’ve found your soul mate.

Bond that often occurs between two unmarried people without intimacy depicts True love. It is often hard to define a feeling when pre marital sex is involved, it could either be lust or infatuation. When you’re having these goose bumps because you’re anticipating their calls or butterflies in your tummy as a result of their presence, then there’s every tendency that you’ve found your soul mate.

10. Familiarity doesn’t equate to boredom.

To identify your soul mate, you’ve to look out for someone that makes your relationship interesting no matter your level of familiarity with them. Each day with their presence feels more unique and interesting. Even when boredom tries to set in, there’s a burning desire to rekindle it because the feeling is mutual.

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