Managing flaws in a relationship


Managing flaws in a relationship
Managing flaws in a relationship

managing flaws in a relationship is possible,but  you must first be able to identify your specification in a partner. These specification will help you decide whether or not you are Compatibile with each other.

In as much as we all believed that there’s no perfect individual. However, the goal of every healthy relationship is to build a love story with a partner who shares the same goals and vision with us.  This can only be possible by dating someone whose character you can easily tolerate or condone.

A successful union is not achieved when couples are perfect, but rather they are achieved  when intending couples has found reasons to manage their flaws and cope with each other’s imperfection without always involving a a third party .

Flaws are part of human existence.  It is inevitable. People can only pretend to be flawless  for a while,  but with time,  their imperfections will begin to surface gradually.    Let’s analyze some factors that will assist you in managing flaws with your partner.

factors that enables managing of flaws in a relationship.


1.   Transparency – Managing of flaws becomes more easy when couples are open to each other especially during dating and  courtship .

Often times, one  or both couples   tends  to hide their flaws from each other just to attract the other person’s attention and love, leading the other on deceitfully into believing that they are perfect, only for the real trait to begin to surface much later in the marriage years,thus  jeopardizing the  future of the marriage.  Hidden flaws can lead to lack of trust. Imagine having your  expectations and excitement  high with the news that you won a fortune, only to be told that it was a mix up, as it wasn’t really meant for you. Such can be devastating. The disappointment can be heart wrecking. This is the exact scenario that happens when you present yourself as an angel during dating, but shows up as a devil  in marriage. Being transparent with your real character will help you both know what to expect from each other and decide if you can condone or go your separate ways.


2. Admitting flaws-  managing of flaws can’t be possible if one or both couples doesn’t admit there is one. Identifying a flaw is the first step.  People who believe they have no problem even when there’s apparently one will always scare their significant other away. Such negative attitude can drive some people knot and make them become a nag overnight. Imagine complaining of the same issue from your spouse on regular basis, why they careless because they don’t even see anything wrong with their attitude. Such people rarely change for the better because they assume they are perfect and everything they do is equally perfect.  They always play the victim card. They will blame you for their high Temperament, by always saying you pushed them to the wall and hence  they overreacted.



3.communication – you know how it is often said that communication is the bedrock of any relationship/ marriage. Such is applicable and true especially in managing of flaws. Letting your partner know about a habit you are struggling with can help your marriage to succeed. In such that you will be patient with each other till you  can be able conquer such habits.  Effective communication does a great wonder in fixing a lot of marital crisis. It takes two to tango, if quitting a habit is seeming difficult, the best you can do is to involve your partner. Together you both can work out a strategy to tackle the issues mutually.


4. Being learnable – one thing is to have a flaws, another is to realize and finally is to work towards adjustment. But unfortunately, some people have this mentality that you ought to accept them the way they are. With such statement, you will get to realize that they don’t even admit there is a problem, let alone looking for solutions. They are so comfortable and adamant with the way they are, hence they look out for people who would take their excesses not minding the negative effect it will pose on them.

However, managing of flaws is only possible if couples are open and ready to learn, unlearn and adjust. They can learn from each other or from other external sources that deals specifically on the subject matter.

5. patience – managing of flaws requires a great deal of patience. This is the most difficult part,as patience is one of the virtues people often lack. When couples have decided to live in transparency and accept each other irrespective of their weakness,with the conditions that they will work on them. There must be willingness from both parties to exercise patience pending when their effort becomes productive.


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