15 signs of a long term relationship 1

15 signs of a long term relationship

Signs of a long term relationship
Signs of a long term relationship

Before identifying the signs of a long term relationship, you have to understand what a long term relationship really entails.

“The word “long term” is synonymous to lasting and stable. In other words, a long term relationship is one which from all indications has the potentials and abilities to lead to a permanent union.

Stability is one of the admirable qualities we all crave for in a relationship. No one loves to have a partner who is on and off or a partner who leaves them with a Mixed signal every now and then.

Another key factor in a long term relationship denotes to the word “lasting”. This seems to be the main key point. Just as the name implies, a long term relationship has to be a relationship with the possibility of having a long duration. Though the duration might not be a determinant for its success. However, it still has a major role to play as a lasting relationship signifies that a relationship is not based on fling or sort of friends with benefit.

The challenge of knowing the status of a relationship as either for long term or short term goals is such a big one, as most people ends up being led on or lured only to discover at the long run that it wasn’t really what they bargained for.

Women are usually at the receiving end of this challenge as they are the prey waiting for the next available hunter. In either case, the hunter might be a genuine one or one intended to lead them into deception.

If later is the case, it tends to affect the psychological and emotional state of the woman. And may equally affect their perspective about the other gender.

Does long term relationship guarantee engagement ?

Most times, but not usually in all cases. Just like was earlier explained, in long term relationship there’s a huge possibility of getting to the final stage because the intentions are clear and mutual from the onset.

Exceptions can only be obtained when there are unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of both parties. This implies that long term relationship can actually lead to a positive end if all things are equal and normal.

So what are the signs of a long term relationship?

Signs of a long term relationship
Signs of a long term relationship

15 signs of long term relationship.

1. Every step is taken gradually.

A long term relationship doesn’t have to be in a haste. You can easily identify a long term relationship by the pace at which it moves. From friendship stage to talking stage, attachment stage and lastly intimacy stage. Unlike a short term relationship in which the priority is often centered on intimacy.

Everything moves on a faster lane because the connection is being driven by lust and infatuation rather than genuine love. In long term relationship, there’s usually no rush on both sides. Everything happens gradually.

2. The connection is natural and mutual.

A relationship that would last usually begins with natural chemistry from both parties. People who struggle to maintain a relationship with someone who isn’t emotionally compatible with them often ends up with regrets. It’s either they are being taken for granted or being used to fulfill a certain selfish interest.

At the end of the day, the one who is literally making the effort alone becomes the victim.

When the chemistry is not mutual and the effort only invested by one party. He or she has to keep on with the effort in other to maintain the relationship and that can be exhausting. Such relationship can be regarded as one sided relationship. And it usually short-lived as the manipulator already knew from the onset that they will never be committed to their supposed lover.

3. consistent communication level.

People are so engrossed with their busy lives. With the deteriorating economy, and heavy demands at work place and businesses, most barely have time for themselves, leisure activities or social life including checking up on friends and loved ones. However, it is often said that we make out time for things we consider as a priority. When there’s a plan for a long time commitment, there will certainly be time to create for effective communication. If they can make out for lunch and rest, they can as well make out time to check up on you via a text message or a quick voice note.

At their leisure time, they can chat you up and try to catch up with the moments of being apart from each other. Communication strengthens emotional bond especially when physical meeting seems unattainable at the moment or inconvenient for one or both parties.

However, when there’s consistent excuses or the claim of being too busy as a reason for not keeping in touch. This could be one of the Red flags to look out for. As it is one of the signs that such relationship may not last for long.

4. Transparency.

One of the remarkable signs of a long term relationship is Transparency. It is quite difficult to conceal certain things in a committed relationship because there’s is a tendency of the other party discovering the truth in the nearest future. That’s why some people in a relationship are skeptical about whether or not to keep certain secrets.

They are either afraid of loosing their relationship as their partner might use it against them or having their secreta discovered somewhere in the future . The later would be more disastrous as the other party will feel betrayed, manipulated and emotionally blackmailed.

In other words, Transparency plays a vital role in a long term relationship. People who are interested in flings may not deem it necessary to tell you certain information about their personal lives. When someone reveals every details about their life including their darkest secrets. That is a positive sign indicating that your relationship with them is a long term goal. They take the bold step to disclose any sensitive information or secret about themselves that because they wouldn’t want you to find out from an external source. That could alter the success of the relationship or marriage eventually.

5. Deep conversations.

Having deep conversation is one of the subtle signs of a long term relationship. When I mean deep conversation, I don’t imply erotic chats or discussion, but conversation about diverse aspects of life as it affects to both parties. Such conversation can range from personal details to family background, goals, marital preferences ETC.

Trying to inquire about the qualities you admire in your idea partner, your idea number of children, or your phobia about marriage is usually not a mere conversation especially if such conversation is held constantly.

Furthermore, paying attention to each other’s life goals and ambitions is a good indicator too as we all crave to have a significant other who’s vision oriented coupled with other admirable qualities.

6. overlooking certain flaws.

Flaws are inevitable in a relationship and marriage as no human is perfect.

During attraction at first sight, or what we commonly refer to as love at first sight.

Emotions are build up and sometimes there’s mutual chemistry and connection, at this stage, everything looks perfect, you will hardly see flaws. however, when this initial stage is over, reality begins to set in. You will no longer see that individual as perfect. This is when to differentiate between love love lust or infatuation. One of the signs of a long term relationship is the continuation of the relationship after the initial attraction or love at first sight. Understanding that you’re not perfect and determining to love you that way without criticism. As long as you’re willing to work on your flaws, learn and unlearn some habits.

7.willingness to settle differences.

One of the signs of a long term relationship is the willingness to settle differences at every point in time.

Going through this process is a strong indication that they ain’t just thinking about the moment, but the future, as relationship is like a practical rehearsals towards marriage. If disputes can’t be settled amicably during relationship, then it becomes a red flag. Unfortunately, some people will rather ghost their partner than communicate their feelings, such attitude can be marked as a red flag.

8. Being free with each other.

Being free and comfortable around each other rather than civic, is a good sign that your relationship will move to the next stage.

This is another practical approach towards marriage. With such friendship, you”ll learn how to adapt and handle martial challenges adequately.

When it comes to duties, as long as marriage is concerned, it is not gender based, but an avenue to assist each other in other to ensure the smooth running of the home.

9. Understanding is a gradual process.

Another remarkable signs of a long term relationship is mutual understanding which doesn’t necessarily have to happen over night.

It comes gradually and naturally. The more you’re together, the more you get to unravel each other’s strength, weakness, and mysteries. The more you communicate, the more you understand each other’s perspective about life..You don’t need to explain certain things, just your time alone is capable of doing that.

10. Intimacy is not rushed.

As Emotions and chemistry builds up, intimacy happens at its own pace. It doesn’t need to be manipulated rushed or done without consent. When it is considered as less priority, the desire to engage in it happens naturally and at the right time. Unlike infatuation where intimacy is rushed because that is basically the intent.

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