Does he love me but afraid of rejection?

Does he love you but afraid of rejection
Does he love you but afraid of rejection


Does he love me? But Afraid  of rejection Or is he  not that into me? Wondering about this sends  a cold shiver in the hearts of many women. Many a times, we find ourselves falling over heels in love or getting attracted to someone.

No matter how we try go curtail the feelings, it seems so difficult.  You ain’t sure if they feel the same way, they give you  Mixed signal  every now and then. And this makes it even more complicated than it was.

You wished you could reveal your feelings to them, but then, the thought of Rejection gives you goose bumps, coupled with the fact that you’re a woman who needs to be chased/ pursued and not the other way round.

You can’t imagine that no matter what. Now you’re stuck with the decision of either  letting your feelings known and be ready to handle the rejection that might come up with it or withholding your feelings and risk loosing him.

There’s usually this awkward feeling that comes up when we fall over heels in love with someone who seems to be giving us a hint or signals indicating they might be interested in us.

For men, the curiosity of knowing if she’s the right one can easily be solved by approaching her to really ascertain her either she says yes!or No! Or probably ask for more time to think about it..

However, for women, it seems complicated, as the society often frowns at women making the first approach with the speculation that it ought to be the other way.

That implies that she has to keep her hopes high and remain optimistic that things will have to fall in place.  But for how long would  she keep on anticipating? That is one of the biggest challenge.

Especially if the waiting is taking longer than expected.  Rhetorical questions like could it be that he’s scared of rejections or probably not into me can’t stop ringing in most women’s brain as they find themselves in this scenario.

After so much pondering, some women may decide to take the bull by the horn by making the first approach. And if they unfortunately get rejected, it may result to  depression. and lost of self esteem.

In other words, before a woman  can be able to deduce if a  man is into her or  afraid of rejection, she ought to watch out for obvious signs or Green lights.

Afraid of rejection
Afraid of rejection

Signs to know if he loves you but  Afraid of rejection.


Constant  communication –  if he’s an introvert or somewhat shy, he might find it difficult to express his feelings.

But you will certainly know if he always wants to keep up communication with you.

One of the signs that a man certainly loves you but is afraid of rejection is being in touch with you every now and then.

People only keep in touch with someone they care about and wish to have in their lives. If he’s always having interest in keeping in touch with you, trying to know about your personal welfare, chances are that he loves you. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to express your feelings to be really certain.

He remembers even the tiniest details.

You will know a man loves you  but afraid of rejection if he remembers every little discussion he had with you.

He keeps memories every now and then. You might have discussed about your challenges, goals and ambitions in life. If he tries to bring it back in a future discussion, chances are that he loves you.

He seeks for a solution.

He wouldn’t stop at remembering  your challenges or goals, but he will assist you in finding solutions to it or working to achieve it.

This is one of the strongest green light every lady should look out for.  It shows he cares a lot about you.

However, you can try giving it a shot by telling him how you feel directly or indirectly. There is a great chance that he will be glad to hear that.

Body language and eye contact.

This is one of the strongest green light any man may show to you, supposing he loves you but afraid of rejection.

He may not necessarily demand for sex or try to initiate it. But be observant about his body movement towards you whenever you are together. Does he make an attempt to kiss or cuddle you? Or maybe demand for it.

Demanding for a kiss may not be feasible if he considers your friendship too early for that.

But does he stare at you at every slightest provocation? If yes!!!  there’s a high chance that he truly loves you. Whenever he does that and you eyes incidentally rocked with each other, and he looks way.  This is an obvious sign.

Other external source/ of rejection.



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