Singles ask how can I curb sexual urges?

How to curb sexual urges
How to curb sexual urges

How can I curb sexual urges? This is one of the frequently asked questions among single folks, especially singles at the prime of their youth.

Men and women tend to have an increased sexual drive as they attain a puberty stage due to the release of hormones known as Testosterone and Estrogen.

These hormones is largely triggered whenever there is sexual stimulations among the opposite sex.

These sexual urges are natural, you can’t get rid of them, this is the part of what makes us healthy and human, but the major challenge is having those urge surface when one is not emotionally and psychologically ready for coitus, hence the reason why so so many singles are keen in getting the answers to the question. “How can I curb sexual urges?

Sexual transmitted infection is more prevalent among adolescent and young folks because most haven’t adopted the best measures in handling their urges which seems to be at its peak at such ages. A handful of them wish to remain chaste till marriage.

The remaining ones who’ve had an experience wish they could abstain further but all to no avail, as it seems that the more experience one has for it, the more addicted and difficult it becomes to abstain further .

That brings us to the question. How can I curb sexual urge? Can I still maintain maintain celibacy in this generation?

First you have to understand that curbing sexual urges begins with having a knowledge about how your biological organs work at certain age, and also being aware that sexual urge cannot be eliminated, but can only be suppressed through some measures or act of discipline, which we will highlight in our next discussion.



how can I curb sexual urges? Seven practical ways to guide you.

Avoid explicit or pornographic materials –

materials like books, and videos displaying erotic contents and nudity tends to trigger the mind by stimulating the sex hormones which sends sensual messages to the brain, hence leading to sexual arousal.

This might be hard to resist as such kinds of contents have become so prevalent in the society.

Most contents on the internet today is hardly recognized if it doesn’t have any element of nudity, thus making it difficult for young people to curb sexual urges.

However, disciplining your mind on what you view can go a long way in helping you stand firm to your decision.


How to curb sexual urges
How to curb sexual urges

Avoid relationships Until you’re ready

can a relationship survive without sex? The right answer to this question will depend solely on the kind of person you’re dating, their objectives towards being in a relationship and their perception towards it.

Some people believes that there can’t be relationship without sex, while some others believes that sex can never be a barrier to a healthy relationship.

Being in such relationship where sex is the priority over other factors can derail one’s decision to curb sexual urges.

This is another challenge most singles face on regular basis. It’s natural to crave to love and be loved, however these desires often come with certain compromises which one may not be ready for.

Curbing sexual urge can be quite difficult especially in a LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP where the future may be uncertain.

It takes a great deal of discipline to control one’s arousal in the heat of romance with significant other, hence the reason why is not advise able to go into a relationship when one isn’t ready for marriage or considering to go into one soon.

Avoid idleness – Engaging your mind in activities will not stop you from having sexual urges, but it will help reduce the urge. When the mind is idle, it paves way to accumulate several thoughts including erotic ones.

Imagine having a hectic day, due to work stress and demands, at that moment, your only desire will be centered on taking a nap, in other to prepare yourself adequately for the activities of the next day.

When this becomes your daily routine, you’re a step ahead on conquering your sexual urge because you will barely have time to stir up the urge.

Discover your passion . – Another effective way to curb sexual urges is to find out your potential and what makes you happy.

Young people are often affected by youthful exuberance, because at such age, the body is too eager to explore everything in the environment especially activities that incurs fun and appears entertaining. And that’s why most gullible ones ends up delving in the wrong path that derails their future.

However, to some smart ones, this is the best time to attain their dreams, hence they tend to utilize such time into discovering their potentials and utilizing it to make impacts.

They substitute those negative fun activities common among the youths with their talents/ potentials.

They spend more time thinking on how to make impacts to the world. Such time invested in positive thoughts will help eliminate any erotic thought that may trigger sexual excitement.

Watch your circle

Your circle says a lot about you, people you keep as company has the tendency to either make or mar you.

Some youths have the desire to remain chaste,but as soon as they begin to move around with certain people, the narrative changed.

The quest to belong and not to be seen as odd or timid had made some good folks succumb to bad influence from their peers.

They often come up with enticing words to deceive the gullible ones into seeing reasons why they need to deviate.

But it takes a disciplined mind to resist such. And that’s the more reason why you need to keep the right circle of friends. Friends who are descent, disciplined and goal oriented.

Making friends with people imbibed with intellectual thoughts will help you curb sexual urges, because such people always have their minds pre occupied with productive thoughts.

Engage in physical Exercises –

Engaging in regular exercise will help to suppress the adrenaline hormones which triggers the sexual arousal, because sex itself is an exercise which the body constantly craves for naturally.

But going for an alternative to the exercise is one of the remedy to curb sexual desires if you’re not ready for it. Exercise does not only suppress the hormone, but keeps the muscle relax and fit. Note: engaging in exercise won’t stop erection, but it will reduce the desire to the barest minimum.

Engage in spiritual exercise

What do I mean by spiritual exercise? Constant prayers. While these desires are natural, a lot of people still struggle with it on regular basis, despite adopting all these measures that was listed and yet all to no avail .in such situations, prayers can be the only solution.

There are some addictions that can only be conquered by adopting spiritual measures, and sexual urges are one of them.

Certain things can’t be achieved by our physical strengths but by the invitations of the holy sprit. Even the bible emphasized that it is not of him that runs or of him that wills, but of God that shows mercy.

controlling sexual urge is not a rocket science, it only takes knowing what to put in place and avoiding certain triggers.

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