5 things to consider before leaving home.


Leaving home
Leaving home

Leaving home becomes necessary at certain point in an adult life.

No matter how comfortable your parents house is, at a certain age, there’s an intense pressure to move out from your comfort zone in search of greener pasture.

This pressure is derived from the desire and quest to be independent and  own up to one’s responsibilities.

The need to progress from one stage to another is one of the fundamental needs of every human.

Remember when your needs used to revolve around being fed, clothed, and sheltered. That was your priority at such age, however, as you mature, the quest to take up an adult role begins to manifest.

As providers and responsibility carriers, men tends to take the lead when it comes to this aspect.

The role as the head of family stirs up this desire at a young age, hence the reason why every young man will feel challenged to leave home at a certain age, especially seeing his peers of the same age living their expected dream life and taking up family roles, and then may prompt him to think that he’s  lagging behind .

However, leaving home without adequate  plans on how to be independent and survive can lead to chronic  depression.

This is why is necessary to pause and have a sober reflection before making such sensitive moves. Don’t be carried away by peer pressure.   Below are some of the factors to consider before leaving home.

5 factors to consider before leaving home.

your motive.




our motive of embarking on certain action will determine the result at the end.  Before planning to move out from your parents house, you should ask yourself why you really need to do that.  Is it a quest for responsibility? or just a means to escape your parents supervision or disciplinarian measure.


It’s quite unfortunate that most youth today desire to leave home for the wrong motives.  Especially as a means to explore life in the negative aspects, live a promiscuous lifestyle without any restriction. When they are affected by such   youthful exuberance,.   They will find it difficult making a good decisions that will be of positive impacts to their future.. since the intention is not  positive, the outcome won’t be productive, but rather drastic.

And before they realize what has happened, they had wasted so much time living an unproductive lifestyle in the name of having fun.

your goals – 

considering your life time goals before leaving home is very crucial. Some goals are long term, in such that it will take a long time to get accomplished. Such goals need adequate preparation before it comes to fulfillment. This adequate preparation involves having enough savings.   The higher your dreams, the more willing you are to have enough savings, and the gradual you think before taking certain decisions including leaving home. When the dream is just to get married and raise children, moving out from your comfort zone may not take much time, but when there’s more to what you wanna achieve, you have to  take your time in other not to spend more on miscellaneous expenses like house rent and feeding.


Your financial adequacy

This is one of the most important factor to consider before considering leaving home. Going to squat with a friend without any plans on how to support yourself will only end in frustration. No one is willing to accommodate a liability. Even if they Promise to assist you, it wouldn’t be long, they will start being uncomfortable with you, especially when you ain’t contributing anything. Hence the reason why you need to be financially ready before considering having an  independent life. in that case, if you are fortunate enough to have a supportive parents and siblings, it would be a nice decision staying with them, while working out your plans till you’re financially ready.. as long as you are working hard to change the status quo, staying with your ward for sometime is not a bad decision, no matter the pressure from the society.


your career – 

Another factor to consider before leaving home is your choice of   career and its suitability in your intending location. not every career or business plan  will strive well in a particular location, you must consider how lucrative your career, business or skill is in the location you intend to migrate to, the major needs of the environment you intend to stay, otherwise, you may end up toiling in an unfertile land.   Location a times determines productivity. Your reason of leaving home shouldn’t be based on pleasure, but on the desire to accomplish a productive life style.


The solitude of your intending location.  Freedom may be necessary, when it offers one a conducive environment to have a sober reflection about his life.  Unfortunately, some environment offers distraction rather than solitude. Bad communication they say corrupts good manners, when a young man or woman craves for independence and decides to stay with friends that lives a dubious lifestyle, it wouldn’t be long before he or she gets influenced. On the other hand, some people will comfortably leave home to squat with friends who already have other friends they are accommodating, making it impossible to have an alone time to think right.

External link https://bestcare.org/news/leaving-home-first-time-tips-young-adults-and-parents



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