How to handle different Phases of a relationship .

How to handle different Phases of a relationship . 7

 there are different phases of a relationship and understanding how these phases works and what to expect in each phase will help you to maintain  peace and tranquility with your significant other, It will equally help you to know the appropraite time to take a walk, especially when it is no longer heading  to the direction you desire.

  • A lot of people are so ignorant of these  phases of a relationship, and that’s why they end up turning themselves into a needy and desperate individuals.
  • As soon as they begin to notice any adjustment or changes.  Well, i wouldn’t blame them either as  It is the dream of everyone to have a relationship filled with enthusiasm and love fantasies that would last till eterninity. however, despite our desires.
  • The tendency of being taken unawares is inevitable, the tendency of having everything crumble right before you, is something you have no control of . This is because each phases of a relationship presents you with new expectations. And you are left with just two options. Is either you adjust and hope things will get better, or you walk away.
  • in other to have a clear understanding of this topic, lets look at the different phases of a relationship. and how to handle each of them.

Understanding the different Phases of a relationship.

How to handle different Phases of a relationship . 8

Phases of a relationship.

1. Wooing stage- this can also be regarded as a friendship stage. This is the period of getting to know each other, getting acquainted and trying to work things out. A man sees a woman that looks so appealing and attractive to her. He stops by to make advances at her.

Fortunately for him,  she might feel the same. But most times, wouldn’t admit it instantly. She might ask for time, to think about it, either to be sure she really desires to have him as a friend. Or most times to act hard to get in other to avoid being taking for granted. If paradventure, she finally accepts, the friendship begins. They both begins to study each other to understand each other’s personality. This stage might be mixed up with some traces of pretence and deciet. As one or both parties tries to put up good characters in other to win each other’s trust and heart.

How to handle this stage .

Take things gradually, make it slow. Avoid rushing it. Allow nature take its course. While studying him/her, try as much as possible not to give in to trust yet. This is because there is a probability that they might have a hidden personality which you might not be aware of. And the best thing is, don’t invest your emotions yet. Till you are sure they are the one, to avoid being taken unawares.


2.The Spark stage  

As your friendship grows, the spark begins to ignite.  Both will begin to  feel the chemistry and intimacy with each other.

At this stage, they can’t deny their feelings for each other. It could be love, it could be infatuation. Whichever is the case, the summary is that  they have both grown beyond the normal friendship. The usual feelings of  butterflies are present. at this stage, they are begining to think of taking the friendship to the next level.

How to handle this stage.

Just like the first stage, avoid rushing things. One step at a time. Remember feelings could be deceitful. It could be infatuation in disguise. Don’t conclude it is love yet . till you are sure he/she feels the same.


3. The honey moon phase.

This phase of a relationship  usually occurs at the begining of a new relationship. After the spark stage, you both might arrive to the conclusion of accepting to date each other. This is the most anticipated and desired stage by everyone.

The euphoria and emotions  at this stage  are at its peak. You call each other often, communicate with each other on regular basis.

Everything they do seems good and okay to you. You both seems to be perfect in each other’s eyes. To the point of overlooking every flaws and mistakes you noticed in them,which you wouldn’t have condoned on a normal day.

This stage could be enticing and glamoring, but at the same time deceptive. Because everyone tries to portray a fake character in other to win the heart of the other.

How to handle it. 

Understand that this phase of a relationship is natural, and there is every tendency that there maybe an adjustment as you progress to the next stage. Don’t freak out or get paranoid with the fear that your partner might have lost interest in you.


4. The Reality stage.

How to handle different Phases of a relationship . 9

This is the stage of stability. The honey moon phass is over. Is now time to face reality,

is a time of adjustment.the emotions and feelings are becoming less important. Is a time to realize that you weren’t truly in love but infatuated.

True traits and characters are becoming obvious. Is time to accept them  the way they are, and not the way you want them to be.   No more pretense. You either tolerate them, or walk away. You either choose to  condone their character  Or call it off.

How to handle this stage

This stage is very important and should not be overlooked. It is more important than the honey moon phase as it determines  the fate of the relationship.

As hard as it may sound, don’t let your emotions become your priority. be realistic, dont condone an attitude you may not be able to  tolerate in future simply because you think you are in love. it may be infatuation playing its toll on you.. trust me, it usually doesn’t end well.


5.Commitment stage.

This stage  occurs as soon as  both couples have come to the realization that they are compatible with each other, and can put up with each other’s flaws every now and then. they  put up every effort to ensure it works out.

How to handle this stage. 

Ensure that the commitment level is mutual. And not one sided. Do not commit to someone who by every indication doesn’t want to include you in their future.

in conclusion, The phases of a relationship helps us to identify the goals of any relationship we find ourselves in. So we don’t end up being taken unawares.










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